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WriggleBrew is a fantastic amendment to the soil and roots of gardens and garden beds of any kind, adding often-needed nutrients as well as a potent microbiome which will defend and assist plants. In a standard raised or open garden bed around 4x8' in size, a single quart bottle of WriggleBrew can make a major impact on the health of plants.

*Product will include sprayer*



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Product Information

Worm teas are a product of vermiculture, or the raising of worms. Composting worms are particularly adept at breaking down plant matter. Their excretions (manure, or just plain poop), becomes highly enriched with nutrients through this process. The worms also eat around (or pass) certain nutrients which are indigestible yet highly valuable (such as certain minerals). This poop is called a "casting", and by dissolving the contents of casts into a liquid solution, we create the beginnings of a worm tea! Other steps are necessary for the final product, including aeration to encourage bacterial cultures that aid in root systems, among other steps, but you get the picture. The result is a highly nutrient rich, easily applied (and odorless!) natural bio-stimulant with none of the downsides of nitrate-rich mineral fertilizers or the health concerns of traditional manures. Simple, sustainable, effective.

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For most uses, 1 cup of concentrate mixed into 1 gallon of water is most efficient. For struggling plants or seedlings, undiluted concentrate can also be used.

Starting a Garden Bed

When starting a bed or potted plant, nutrients are key! Seeds and seedlings benefit enormously from WriggleBrew, which is rich in humic and folic acid, NPK, and other valuable compounds. A capful or so of undiluted WriggleBrew added per plant can rapidly speed plant growth and boost the young immune system.


For already established beds or potted plants, WriggleBrew provides a great way to strengthen immune systems and enrich plants. 1 cup of WriggleBrew added to 1 gallon of water makes an excellent weekly watering supplement. Use this mixture as you water, either sprayed on leaves, near bases of plants, or poured directly on the base.


Pests are every gardeners worst enemy. Hungry bugs and parasites like Spider Mites and Mealy Bugs to nematodes and aphids can be all be treated by WriggleBrew.

For mild infestations, undiluted WriggleBrew can be poured at the base of plants to assist. Use a capful for small plants (smaller than a square foot), and use up to a cup for larger plants. Do this every week or as often as you water.

​For severe infestations, undiluted WriggleBrew should be sprayed directly on the plant to cover all surfaces, especially those particularly afflicted. Use WriggleBrew every day for a week, then reduce to once a week once the infestation subsides.


Discoloration can blight otherwise healthy plants for reasons not readily apparent. WriggleBrew may be able to help.

Black or white spots, for instance, are often caused by molds - these molds can be treated with WriggleBrew. Spray undiluted WriggleBrew on spots with black or white patches once a week, up to once every day if spotting is severe.

​Yellow and brown spots can be caused by either viruses or a nutritional issues such as nitrogen poisoning or deficiency. Both can be assisted by WriggleBrew. Pour near plant base a capful or up to 1 cup of undiluted WriggleBrew every day for a week, then reduce to once a week thereafter. This will boost the immune system and provide nutrients.



WriggleBrew is a fantastic amendment to the soil and roots of gardens and garden beds of any kind, adding often-needed nutrients as well as a potent microbiome which will defend and assist plants. In a standard raised or open garden bed around 4x8' in size, a single quart bottle of WriggleBrew can make a major impact on the health of plants.

*Product will include sprayer*


Easy-To-Use Formulation


Safe for the Environment


Versatile and Economical


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Worm teas are a product of vermiculture, or the raising of worms. Composting worms are particularly adept at breaking down plant matter. Their excretions (manure, or just plain poop), becomes highly enriched with nutrients through this process. The worms also eat around (or pass) certain nutrients which are indigestible yet highly valuable (such as certain minerals). This poop is called a "casting", and by dissolving the contents of casts into a liquid solution, we create the beginnings of a worm tea! Other steps are necessary for the final product, including aeration to encourage bacterial cultures that aid in root systems, among other steps, but you get the picture. The result is a highly nutrient rich, easily applied (and odorless!) natural bio-stimulant with none of the downsides of nitrate-rich mineral fertilizers or the health concerns of traditional manures. Simple, sustainable, effective.

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